Center for Balance is a resource for information on Fall Prevention and how to go about maintaining balance and movement skills throughout our lives. This website is a starting point for any person who has concerns about balance. It also serves as a supplement for students who are enrolled in one or more of my classes. All are welcome.
For moderate to severe difficulties with balance, it is best to be evaluated by a physician. A referral to a physical therapist for treatment is often the recommended first course of action.
The resources on this website are distributed in four broad categories with some overlap between the categories.
- Free Training Videos: designed for use at home
- Video Podcasts: short topical videos for enrichment
- Information Pages & Articles: available through the menu tabs and in sidebar boxes such as “Balance Matters”
- Online Balance & Tai Chi Classes: courses offered through community colleges
The art of living includes creating adaptive movement strategies and skills that help sustain independence and quality of life. There is a large and increasing body of medical evidence supporting the fact that the practice and application of mindful movement strategies have diverse and far reaching benefits on health and wellness, especially as we age.
Many people experience a negative reaction to the idea of exercise. Negative thought patterns often arise from unpleasant past experiences. It can be helpful to expand the definition of exercise to include all forms of movement and to consider the contribution to well being regardless of the form and nature of the activity. The moment thought turns to action, movement becomes the primary means of execution and expression.
By taking a broad view, movement can be viewed as a medicine bottle full of health and creative potential that never runs dry!